Ride The Black Hole Elevator
Not surprisingly, death may not be the only avenue to other dimensions, universes, and states of being…
Could black holes be portals to other universes?
“The objects scientists think are black holes could instead be wormholes leading to other universes, a new study says. If so, it would help resolve a quantum conundrum known as the black hole information paradox, but critics say it would also raise new problems, such as how the wormholes would form in the first place…”
Read the complete article at NewScientistSpace.
Jimmy on 21 Jul 2007 at 8:26 am #
Wouldn’t that be something. Elevators in space right in front of us all along. Too bad we didn’t know for sure because maybe our world leaders would then have a reason to stop fighting with each other and focus on something more productive: Extending our hand to other universes. Of course, it wouldn’t go down like that. They’d just extend their warring ways to other universes.