Archive for October, 2007

The Infamous Proust Questionnaire – Clea Simon

Welcome to the Reincarnationist Blog’s series of interviews using the infamous Proust Questionnaire. Today’s subject is Clea Simon



Title of your latest book as of Sept 1, 2007 – “Cattery Row” (Poisoned Pen press)




Do you believe — even a little bit that reincarnation is possible?


Well, I find it hard to believe that our essential essence entirely disappears — so I don’t not believe.


Have you ever read anything books the subject that made an impression on you?


I’m right now reading Lisa See’s “Peony in Love,” which deals literally with ghosts but also metaphorically with how we live on through our words and through art.


What is your most marked characteristic that you believe could be a hold over from a past life?


I have a ferocious will to live that has saved me at various times. It just comes out of nowhere and pulls me through.


What is your principle defect that you believe might be inherited from a previous incarnation?


I suspect my defects are my own fault and of this life — but I’d like to think my insecurity is from a previous life. Then I wouldn’t be responsible for it.


Which of your favorite heroes do you think you actually could have been and why?


Colette, of course, because she was a writer and a cat lover, or George Sand. But that might be wishful thinking. In reality, I was probably a hearty peasant.


What three people from history would you like to have over to dinner for a discussion about reincarnation?


I would like at least one Greek priestess; I’ve been reading about their roles in society and politics and think they’d have smart, informed takes on the subject. And then, just to mix things up Camille Desmoulins, who certainly sent a lot of folks to their deaths – but was reportedly quite brilliant. And Colette, for the artistic take – and because she was a pagan and would be open to the idea.


What do you think happens when we die?


I like to think that something of our essential essence — call it soul — survives. Perhaps just the love we have shared with others; perhaps something more.


When you come back next time, who would you like to be?

I would like to be myself, of course! Only in a position of power and with a better body.

We would love to hear your responses to these questions. Please feel free to copy and paste the Questionnaire with your answers into a Comment for this post.


Fear Is The Mind Killer

For a very intelligent listening experience tune in to’s podcasts. Skeptiko explores controversial science with leading researchers and their critics. The following is the introduction for a particularly germane interview with Dr. Neal Grossman, associate professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago, in which he discusses how people of both scientific and religious mindsets are often threatened by research into near-death experience –

Dr. Neal Grossman explores near-death experience research, consciousness, academic paradigms and why many religious groups are unfriendly toward near-death experience research: “Both the scientistic type and the devote religious person have something in common, they both think belief in a spiritual reality is a matter of faith… To the religious person the very idea that some of their religious beliefs might be capable of being investigated by science to determine whether they are true or false is threatening… This is the kind of mindset that’s deeply threatened by near-death experience research because the concept of God, and the afterlife and how it works is very, very different from what they want to believe…



For more of Grossman’s ideas, read his article from IONS Review – Who’s Afraid of Life After Death?


The Infamous Proust Questionnaire – Deborah Grabien

Welcome to the Reincarnationist Blog’s series of interviews using the infamous Proust Questionnaire. Today’s subject is Deborah Grabien


Title of your latest book as of Sept 1, 2007: New-Slain Knight

book cover

Do you believe — even a little bit that reincarnation is possible?

Good heavens, yes. Although that prefex – re – indicates “again”, and that indicates a belief that time runs in a straight line. I tend to believe that it’s all happening at once, just on different planes: a constant moving dance in a huge ballroom of lives and probabilities.

Have you ever read anything books the subject that made an impression on you?

Jane Roberts, The Education of Oversoul Seven. Anya Seton, Green Darkness. Daphne du Maurier, The House on the Strand. My own new one, New-Slain Knight, touches on that: possession and reincarnation.

What is your most marked characteristic that you believe could be a hold over from a past life?

Not sure that question is valid, for me. I don’t think reincarnation works that way.

What is your principle defect that you believe might be inherited from a previous incarnation?

Again, I don’t think it works that way. I don’t think the personality is what moves along, I think it’s the soul, what the soul learns. You’re referring to personality traits, a different thing.

Which of your favorite heroes do you think you actually could have been and why?

None. See above.

What three people from history would you like to have over to dinner for a discussion about reincarnation?

Whoa, nice question! This one made me really think, because the people I admire aren’t necessarily the ones I’d find conversable on the subject. So: Elizabeth Bathory. Albert Einstein. Jack the Ripper.

What do you think happens when we die?

Movement, one with the universe, move along in the dance I mentioned above (having learned a specific thing or things in one incarnation), next partner, new lessons.

When you come back next time, who would you like to be?

I don’t know what this means. I want to be me, in whatever form I happen next.

We would love to hear your responses to these questions. Please feel free to copy and paste the Questionnaire with your answers into a Comment for this post.


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