Archive for April, 2008

News Flash: Nature is a minded entity

“There is a great insight which our culture is deliberately designed to

suppress, distort, and ignore: that Nature is a minded entity; that Nature

is not simply the random flight of atoms through electromagnetic fields;

that Nature is not the empty, despiritualized lumpen matter that we

inherit from modern physics. But it is instead a kind of intelligence, a kind

of mind.” – Terence McKenna

(Props to Free Will Astrology for this.)


The One Minute Shift

Thank you to the Institute of Noetic Sciences for this video, as well as for the concept of the One Minute Shift

What if nature’s impulse to procreate our species is moving to a new level of co-creation that holds the key to transforming the world? This one-minute video with a leading human potential pioneer opens exciting possibilities.

Barbara Marx Hubbard video | Supra-sexual Co-creation


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