Archive for May, 2008

Regression Therapy On Oprah

Recently, Dr. Oz appeared on Oprah with Dr. Brian Weiss and they astounded everyone with a discussion on past life regression therapy.

The two docs tried to hypnotize the entire audience to see if they remember past lives. Some say it’s the key to healing all of your fears. What do you believe?

Check out some videos from the show “Were You Here Before? Dr. Oz Explores Past-Life Regressions”, here:

For more about Dr. Oz click here. For more on Dr. Weiss who has written many books on the subject of reincarnation, click here.


Can Reincarnation Be Proven Scientifically?

Join Paul Von Ward author of the Soul Genome: Science and Reincarnation on Your Mental Health Talk Radio with host Jacqueline Foreman on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 6 PM EST/3 PM

Author Paul Von Ward will be a special guest on Your Mental Health Talk Radio with host Jacqueline Foreman to discuss his controversial book The Soul Genome: Science and Reincarnation on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 6 PM EST/ 3 PM PST at

DO WE KNOW WHO HUMANS ARE, REALLY? With over six billions of us on Earth, you’d think we should know. But, the fact is that we don’t know where we came from, what we’re doing here, or how we fit into the “big picture.”

Some think humans are accidents in a chance-driven universe. Others think this universe is a natural result of activities in another universe or cosmos, but have no idea of how that one got started…

(click here to read more)

Just Another Zen Joke…

A guy walks up to a Zen master and asks, “Is there life after death?”. The Zen master says, “How should I know?”. The guy replies indignantly, “Because you’re a Zen master!”. “Yes,” says the Zen master, “but not a dead one.”
(kudos to an excellent buddhist blogger for this one)

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