Reincarnation Diaries
Welcome! Reincarnationist dot org is a resource for all things related to reincarnation. As we begin to accumulate stories, cases, books, audio/video and other web presences for reference here, we hope to inspire you to record your own reincarnation stories. We will be honored if you choose to submit your experiences to us here at The Reincarnationist so that they may be shared and enter the enormous well of incredible accounts of reincarnation we find in the world today. For consideration, please write your musings, remembrances, true tales, and reflections in the comments section of any post. If chosen, your story will be reposted in the Reincarnation Diaries category.
Also, please feel free to send suggestions for further Reincarnationist content to us via the comments section of any post.
We thank you for stopping by.
All the Best,
M.J. Rose
and Emily Kischell (editor)