Archive for 2008

Feed Your Hungry Ghost

First, we here at the Reincarnationist wish you a delightful and food-filled Thanksgiving. Second, we hope that you will never, ever, ever become a “hungry ghost“. What is a hungry ghost, you may ask? It is something quite profound in terms of the afterlife, something that we hope to avoid becoming, something that by living a fulfilled life we hope to steer clear from. A hungry ghost is the scary type of ghost, the needy ghost who bangs around the attic hoping to stir up some delicious energy from those living beings downstairs…warm energy to feed off of because, well, energy is what ghosts eat.

(Above: William Blake painted the most intense image of a hungry ghost that I have ever seen: The Ghost of a Flea circa 1819-20.)

Hungry ghosts appear in many traditions from Buddhism to the Book of Enoch. Even the vampire legend has its foot in the concept of the hungry ghost.

In terms of Buddhist states of existence in the wheel of life, the hungry ghost is characterized by “Greed; Insatiable cravings; Addictions. “I want this, I need this, 1 have to have this”. This is the realm of intense craving. The Hungry Ghosts are shown with enormous stomachs and tiny necks – they want to cat, but cannot swallow; when they try to drink. the liquid turns to fire, intensifying their thirst. The torture of the hungry ghost is not so much the frustration of not being able to get what he wants. rather it is his clinging to those things he mistakenly thinks will bring satisfaction and relief. The Buddha in this Realm holds a Bowl from which the ‘gifts of the gods’ are distributed. This is to entice the hungry ghosts to desire for the Truth which is the only way that the deepest longings and hungers can be satisfied. Consider: ‘Gollum’ from Lord of the Rings; The obssessive nature of Video Games; Addictions of various sorts; We can be helped in this Realm by our willingness to ‘look up’, to see beyond our obsessions.”

So, as we consume the bounty of our Thanksgiving feasts and express our thanks for all of the love in our lives, let’s also be thankful that we are are not hungry ghosts, and while we’re at it, let’s leave a lovely morsel of compassionate energy and a kind wish on the table for any hungry ghosts that happen to wander by…

Cheers to the truth, that it will keep us from hunger.

(Click here for an interactive tour of The Wheel of Life.)


Is It Really In The Stars?

love astrology

Lonely hearts who turn to horoscopes to find their perfect partner are wasting their time, according to the largest test of astrology ever carried out []

…But before we hook into any particular view, we here at the Reincarnationist enjoy delving deeply into a subject. Plumb the depths of the subject for yourself here in this gigantic rabbit hole of research on astrology


Reincarnation Diary: Janine’s story

Thank you to our reader, Janine, for her personal Reincarnation Diary! She submitted this to us via the comments section of our recent post on M.J.’s new book and interview.


I would like to submit my own Past Live Regression findings:

A few years back, for my 40th Birthday, I decided to treat myself to a seminar with Dr. Brian Weiss. I had to past life regressions. Not expecting it to work because I “did not taste the lemon” during a little test excerise, I closed my eyes and went thru a truly unexpected experience. When I looked down I was a male, tall, broad, blond and wearing Armor. I knew I was Roman but not in Rome. I was in Isreal. I was one the soildiers who were going to put Christ to death. Mind you – the movie the Passion had not come out yet and this was the furthest thing from my mind that I would have expected to be. I refused to go with the rest of the men. I tried to stop my friend but she/he refused to listen afraid to not follow. I broke away and lived a very lonely holy life. At my death bed I was alone without a soldiers buriel because I had left my career (thank goodness). I did see him and started crying. My friend was watching me while I was regressed and said I was crying and crying. He was very small and holy and I knew immediately that what we were doing was wrong. I was not afraid to stand up for him even though it could have meant death to me.

The 2nd time I was regressed, I was a middle eastern woman with green vails and wraps. I had long red hair (which I did not understand until I went to Istanbul this year and was told that woman during this time used henna to make their hair red). My ex husband from this lifetime was my husband during this time and he had many wives and concubines. At my death bed I was alone in a very small room with a bed. At the side of my bed was my two children who are my parents in this lifetime! When I fianally visited Istanbul this year and entered the Topaki Palace I started to loose my breath. I could not breath. I also started to cry. Our private guide knew exactly what was happening although I was embarressed to explain until later over Turkish coffee. I saw the room where I had died. It was all extremly interesting.

I have been wanting to share this with someone for a few years now.

Thank you for listening.


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