Close Encounters of The Lame Duck Kind
As we prepare to say goodbye to a President with incredibly low popularity, I felt it was important to remind everyone of our favorite “W” related news story of the past year: The UFO story of course (with actual radar evidence). At least we here at the Reincarnationist are willing to end the long, long chapter of Bush on a positive note!
P.S. Welcome Obama, and let’s hope your inauguration celebration this weekend will offer a nice UFO sighting for us all to ponder and enjoy!
Radar Shows UFO Flying Towards Bush Ranch
(Paranormal Review)
STEPHENVILLE, US. The long-awaited investigation of the Stephenville, Texas, UFO sightings in January, conducted by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), has obtained radar confirmation of a mysterious unknown object in the area whose movements match those reported by some of the witnesses.
The previously unknown radar evidence has been collected through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests made by MUFON investigators Glen Schulze and Robert Powell. It is contained in their detailed and technical 77-page report, “Stephenville Lights: A Comprehensive Radar and Witness Report Study Regarding The Events of January 8, 2008, 4pm to 8pm”, released on 10 July.
Sensationally, the radar track confirms witness reports that the unidentified object was travelling in a direct line towards President Bush’s Prairie Chapel Ranch – sometimes referred to as “the Texas [or Western] White House” – just outside Crawford. Radar lost track of it when it was only 10 miles away from the ranch… [the rest]