Archive for January, 2009

Do your kids see dead people?

I admit, sometimes the reason I can’t wait for my toddler to develop more verbal skills is so when I ask her if she remembers anything from a past life, she’ll be able to respond with more than two-word combinations such as: “kitty, go?”

I’ve been told several times that little ones tend to remember past lives rather clearly in some cases, and that it is quite interesting to interview children about such things before they become too old to remember…

On this note, if you think your babe has some paranormal skills, check this out…

Psychic Medium In Search of Paranormal Kids
Psychic medium Beckah Boyd is on the lookout for children with psychic abilities as case studies for her new book Raising Your Gifted Child a handbook for parents who are dealing with psychic children.

Manchester, NH – Jan 04, 2009 – Do your kids see dead people? Bend spoons with their mind, know what you are thinking or have some other hidden talent? Beckah Boyd is a psychic medium and currently authoring a new book called Raising Your Gifted Child giving parents step by step instructions when it comes to adapting to and understanding their children’s abilities and how to enhance them.
She is looking for kids from ages four to fifteen to use as case studies for her upcoming book. Beckah is offering free testing for the kids who come to see her and free help for the parents with full discretion in her book. “I am not looking to out these kids as psychics, I am just hoping that someone will pick up the book and maybe they can identify with both the child and parent. Names aren’t the focus the journey is.” Beckah says.

Kids face a lot of challenges in their life, but psychic abilities shouldn’t be one of them. Beckah believes it is natural in each of us and that society has taught us to ignore it, but in some kids that’s just not possible and it’s better to face the situation head on.   [the rest]


‘i’ am the ‘i’

Over the holidays I stumbled across an interesting philosophy that I had never heard of: Ho’oponopono…

It appears to be a wonderful and positive way of looking at things that come up in our daily lives, and of course we could all use some extra positivity! Check it out here.

Self I-dentity through Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that show up as problems in our everyday lives.

When we are willing to take responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds.

The Ho’oponopono process provides “a step by step approach to achieving Peace, Balance and a new meaning of life through an understanding of one’s Self-I-dentity.”


the ancient Oshoro circle

…As we enter the future (welcome 2009), let us look to the past…

Rocks of Ages: A composite photo of the Oshoro Stone Circle in Otaru, Hokkaido ANDREW KERSHAW

Mystery shrouds the ancient Oshoro circle

Special to The Japan Times

In 1861 at Oshoro, southwestern Hokkaido, a party of herring fishermen, migrants from Honshu, were laying the foundation for a fishing port when they saw taking shape beneath their shovels a mysterious spectacle — a broad circular arrangement of large rocks, strikingly symmetrical, evidently man-made. What could it be? An Ainu fortress?

They would have been astonished to learn, as in fact they never did, that the Oshoro Stone Circle is a relic from a time before even war — let alone fortresses — likely existed in Japan.

Oshoro today is part of the city of Otaru, on its western fringe, 20 km from the city center and 60 km west of Sapporo.

The Late Jomon period (circa 2400-1000 B.C.) was an age of northward migration. The north was warming, and severe rainfall was ravaging the established Jomon sites, primarily in the vicinity of today’s Tokyo and Nagoya.

Perhaps resettlement stimulated thought, for it coincided with a novel Jomon institution — the cemetery.

“By devoting a special area to burials,” writes J. Edward Kidder in “The Cambridge History of Japan,” “Late Jomon people were isolating the dead, allowing the gap to be bridged by mediums who eventually drew the rational world of the living further away from the spirit world of the dead.” [the rest]


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