Reincarnation Diary: Mike’s Story
Thank you to our reader Mike for sharing this intense memory with us:
“I knew about the concept of reincarnation and that some people believed it, but I was skeptical of it.
In the time my marriage was failing and during the divorce I would get olfactory hallucinations when the weather was damp, drizzly and chilly. I would smell wood smoke and the aroma of meat roasting and bread baking. I asked people around me if they could smell something and they couldn’t.
I did some digging and came across the work of Dr. Brain Weiss and his books. I read all of them in short order and found a past life regressionist not too far from me.
During my regression I went back in time to a time where I was a woman. I lived on the edge of a forest in the mountains and a town was a short walk from my home. It was somewhere in the area where Germany now is.
When I “entered” that life I was walking out of town. There was a light drizzle and, as was the norm for that time and place, fires were going and people were cooking food, among the food cooking was meat and bread. I was wearing a dress with a long skirt and I was barefoot.
I had a husband and three kids, the older two children were boys and the youngest was a daughter. The two boys grew up and got married and moved into a new town. My husband went out hunting one day and never returned. I never did find out what happened to him. My daughter also married. I died one winter, a few years after my husband disappeared, in my house from cold and hunger.
I don’t remember a whole lot from that regression, just what I’ve mentioned, but I do remember that it was a good life. I was happy and content for most of it and had no regrets when I did die.”
If you would like to share your story with us, please post in as a Comment after any one of our posts on the blog. Thank you for sharing!
~Emily (editor)
Denim on 05 Feb 2010 at 7:46 pm #
I have read a few of others’ postings, musings, etc. and find many parallels, thoughts, items, that are similar.
I can recount approximately 5 pst lives, including parts of the life just previous to my current life.
I have a memory…..
I am two years, two months old. I am standing outside my grandparents front door on a lush verdant lawn with the old fashioned small stoned path that leads to the gravel driveway. I take one step and hesitate, then a second and a thought occurs to me. My feet are not working properly. Is it because I have been sitting too long, not eating in awhile, why? I look down and see that the feet my body has are not ‘Mine’! I am expecting to see two adult sized brown leathery bare feet and instead there are two baby bootied feet. I keep flashing back and forth between the two different sets of feet until finally my mind just rails and wails at the concept of having two infant sized feet and what this truly and fully entails. All the thoughts of what I was doing in the previous life come flooding back as my infant body is picked up by my current father and I am cuddled and kissed by him. I am furious that now I must start my journey all over again…..