Archive for October, 2009

Reincarnation comes in many forms…

Radiant Works of Art
After battling vocal cord cancer last year, Cookie Kerxton organized an art exhibit, “Courage Unmasked,” featuring the masks that she and other cancer patients wore during radiation treatments. The first in the series is titled “Reincarnation”-

Enjoy this series of incredible masks here.


Reincarnation On Screen


Will a simple disciple find the “unmistaken child”?

We don’t post about films very often here, but this one seems quite compelling as well as visually stunning and with a beautiful soundtrack. It offers a rare glimpse into age-old traditions that Westerners are not usually able to see.

Unmistaken Child
Directed by Nati Baratz. STC. 102 min. Opens Oct 2.
(Jeff Cottrill)

It’s not always easy for outsiders to document the finer details of a culture. Israeli filmmaker Nati Baratz wisely eschews commentary or judgment in Unmistaken Child, his documentary look into the closed world of Tibetan Buddhism. Aside from a few explanatory opening titles, Baratz lets his footage speak for itself from a rare, up-close point of view.

The film follows a young monk, Tenzin Zopa, on his three-year search for the reincarnation of his master, Geshe Lama Konchog, who died in 2001. Grief-stricken but serene, Tenzin travels throughout Nepal’s Tsum Valley, using vague astrological clues as his guide.  It’s Tenzin’s personal journey that makes the Unmistaken Child richly moving. He speaks candidly in English about his close relationship to Geshe, his childhood and his dialogue with nature. Baratz complements Tenzin’s story with beautiful shots of Himalayan landscapes and striking footage of Buddhist ceremonies and family life…

For the complete review click here.

The official film site is here. Watch the trailer below.


The Lovely Bones

In a sense, fossils are like reincarnations – they can bring to life lost knowledge of an entire lineage of a species.

Oldest “Human” Skeleton Found–Disproves “Missing Link”

Jamie Shreeve Science editor, National Geographic magazine

Move over, Lucy. And kiss the missing link goodbye. Scientists today announced the discovery of the oldest fossil skeleton of a human ancestor. The find reveals that our forebears underwent a previously unknown stage of evolution more than a million years before Lucy, the iconic early human ancestor specimen that walked the Earth 3.2 million years ago. The centerpiece of a treasure trove of new fossils, the skeleton—assigned to a species called Ardipithecus ramidus—belonged to a small-brained, 110-pound (50-kilogram) female nicknamed “Ardi.” (See pictures of Ardipithecus ramidus.)

The fossil puts to rest the notion, popular since Darwin’s time, that a chimpanzee-like missing link—resembling something between humans and today’s apes—would eventually be found at the root of the human family tree…

Click here for the complete article.


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