M.J. Reveals Her Inspiration…
The Author of the Reincarnationist Series Reveals Her Inspiration
By M.J. Rose (from More Magazine)
“What’s a nice Jewish girl who was a very successful ad exec in New York City doing writing novels about reincarnation? To answer that question I have to go back… not that far… but to when I was three years old and at a Seder.
The family was gathered around and my great great grandfather who was a Kabbalistic scholar was saying a prayer over the wine when I chirped up and told him something about a dinner he’d had at home in Russia when he was a child.
I was three. I didn’t even know what Russia was.
But, my mother later told me, because I don’t remember it, that he never finished the prayer.
I apparently had told him something that he’d never told anyone about, an embarrassing moment in the life of a 9 year-old boy, buried deep inside this 88 year-old man”…
For the complete piece, please click here to go to More Magazine.
To buy M.J. Rose’s latest novel, The Hypnotist, go to amazon.com.
Shomeret on 26 Apr 2010 at 3:55 pm #
I came from a family where there were stories about how the Kabala had driven some of my ancestors mad. I was taught that the Kabala was to be avoided and that gilgul (the Hebrew word for reincarnation) was a superstition.
Yet I have had visions with strong sensory elements about my past life as an Italian sailor who drowned. It explained my extreme ocean phobia.
I think that people will not believe in reincarnation unless they have had some experience with past lives. Then it’s undeniable.