The Author of the Reincarnationist Series Reveals Her Inspiration
By M.J. Rose (from More Magazine)

“What’s a nice Jewish girl who was a very successful ad exec in New York City doing writing novels about reincarnation? To answer that question I have to go back… not that far… but to when I was three years old and at a Seder.

The family was gathered around and my great great grandfather who was a Kabbalistic scholar was saying a prayer over the wine when I chirped up and told him something about a dinner he’d had at home in Russia when he was a child.

I was three. I didn’t even know what Russia was.

But, my mother later told me, because I don’t remember it, that he never finished the prayer.

I apparently had told him something that he’d never told anyone about, an embarrassing moment in the life of a 9 year-old boy, buried deep inside this 88 year-old man”…

For the complete piece, please click here to go to More Magazine.

To buy M.J. Rose’s latest novel, The Hypnotist, go to
