Thank you to Erica-Lynn Huberty for answering this week’s Reincarnationist Q&A! Erica-Lynn is the author of the new book Dog Boy and Other Harrowing Tales, a collection of stories that are immersed in the Gothic tradition while told in a modern and inventive way. 
What is your most marked characteristic that you believe could be a hold over from a past life?
A penchant for, or attraction to, what I imagine other eras to be. In other words, I believe I’d be a lot happier riding in a horse-and-carriage than in a car. I feel much happier and less anxious listening to the sounds of nature than to the sounds of industry and technology; I am quite comfortable in a corset and petticoats.
What is your principle defect that you believe may be inherited from a previous incarnation?
The ability to waste several years on a particular person I believed was destined to be my soul-mate, due to us having been soul-mates in another life. Luckily, I have rid myself of this defect!
Which of your favorite heroes do you think you could have been and why?
Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen): because of her love of storytelling, her dedication to her home (in Africa), her stomach ulcers, her fear of having to live as a woman bound by the conventions of a male-dominated world; and because of her desire to express, in her writing, a spirit that no longer existed in her own modern times.
What three people from history would you like to have over to dinner for a discussion about reincarnation?
I would love to have for dinner, to discuss any number of things: Thomas Jefferson, Frida Kahlo, and Agatha Christie.
What do you think happens when we die?
I hope that what happens is whatever I believe. There are too many beliefs about the afterlife among too many cultures for any one thing to be true.
When you come back next time, who (or what!) would you like to be?
Myself as a ghost, walking (with a friendly atmosphere) amongst places I loved in this lifetime.
Erica-Lynn Huberty holds an M.A. in Literature from Bennington College. Her poetry has been anthologized in Garrison Keillor’s Good Poems. Her first book of short stories, Dog Boy and Other Harrowing Tales, is out now.