This week’s QA: Author Kate Maryon
Thank you to author Kate Maryon for answering this week’s Reincarnationist Q&A! Kate is the author of ‘Shine’ (HarperCollins) – her second book, ‘Glitter’ comes out in September and ‘Sparkle’ in March 2011…
What is your most marked characteristic that you believe could be a hold over from a past life
Mmm, I would say a sense of peace. Friends have often said that they like spending time with me because I’m calm and peaceful, my internal experience of it is a feeling of serenity/spaciousness. Although I don’t practice any religion I’m always very at home in monasteries, temples, churches etc. When I was in India once I heard some chanting drifting out onto the street and just had to follow it. The sound lead me to this huge tent, which was full of about a thousand Hari Krishna, I felt totally at home. I lay down in the middle of the space and just soaked it all in. It would have been an okay place to die. I also have an attraction to the sound of bells, any sort of bells, I love them.
What is your principle defect that you believe may be inherited from a previous incarnation
Fear of snakes, definitely.
Which of your favorite heroes do you think you could have been and why?
Mmmm, tricky, I don’t really have any heroes but if I were to pick someone I think it would have to be Mother Theresa. I really resonate with her ability to be touched by suffering.
What three people from history would you like to have over to dinner for a discussion about reincarnation?
Ooooh, I’d like to bring my mum back from the dead (she died 14 years ago) and get the inside goss on the subject, then I’d have Doris Stokes and Jesus and of course a wonderful feast.
What do you think happens when we die?
MMmm, lovely question, I often wonder about this. I imagine there to be a sensation of allowing all the holding on to life to slip away, which I guess might feel like a sense of deep relaxation and peace, a kind of settling back and back and back and back and so far back into yourself that you’re just here, no longer attached to your physical body, but with a strong sense of the vastness that is the hugeness of consciousness. I imagine there must be some force, stronger than the life force, that invites you, kind of pulls you closer. And maybe a sense of lightness and an experience of merging back into truth.
When you come back next time, who (or what!) would you like to be?
Someone who was born into love – I’d love to experience what it might be to have a safe, held and wonderfully carefree childhood. That’s something I missed.
For more information about Kate and her books, please visit her website:
Lydia on 07 Jul 2010 at 11:57 am #
I would appreciate your opinion of the following narrative that describes a set of experiences I have had, which I believe had something to do with a past life and which ended disastrously.
When I was 14 years old, I was taken to the archaeological site of Teotihuacan outside of Mexico City. We spend the afternoon there and, with some friends, climbed the pyramid of the Sun. About halfway up my eyes began burning and stinging and weeping as if there was something sharp and hard in them. I proceeded to the top, still weeping, and all the way back down. My eyes didn’t return to normal until the next morning.
Didn’t think much about it afterward and sort of concluded it was some kind of allergy, or the wind had blown something into my eyes.
Twenty years later a friend introduced me to a man she thought would be useful for me to know professionally. We became cordial acquaintances, and had several common interests. Over the years, whenever I would run into this man, my eyes would sting and water. It finally occurred to me that this was very much like my experience on the pyramid. But again, I didn’t think much about it. I noted it but didn’t draw any conclusions.
As my career developed, I ended up working in close collaboration with this man on several occasions and we became friends. I introduced him to a friend of mine, who became his wife. For a couple of years I saw him on a daily basis, and I was always plagued by problems with my eyes when in his company. Years rolled on.
About seven years ago, he offered me a very attractive job, at a very attractive salary, and I accepted. Within a week of starting the job, I developed a painful eye condition so serious I could not see, could not focus, and was only comfortable sitting in a dark room. It took a month for specialists to clear up. Up to that point I had had a successful, in some ways spectacular, career. Less than six months on this new job, this man turned on me, undermined my work and made my life a living hell. Three years later he forced me to resign. I have been unemployed now for two years, have lost my house and still can’t find work. My self-confidence is completely gone. I think my eyes were warning me to stay as far away from that man as possible, and I didn’t listen. I can’t find any other way to make sense of this, and I don’t know why I was so “blind” to what was going to be the outcome of my relationship with this person. I have finally decided my relationship with him was the result of a past life relationship, but I have idea what it was or what it meant. I have tried my best to forgive him, but it is very, very difficult and I catch myself sinking into a slough of resentment quite often. Like I said, I would appreciate your insight into this situation.