Archive for October, 2010

More News From Our “Elder Brothers”

No matter where we are in our cycle of life, this earth is our home and it is in our best interest to pay attention to the state of its health. Please enjoy this interview with the Elder Brother Arhouco & Kogi Mamos of Colombia Sierra Nevada, conducted by author Drunvalo Melchizedek…

“The indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta are working hard to recover their ancestral lands and protect their sacred sites. The Program for Support to the Heart of the World, an autonomous initiative by the four indigenous organizations of the Sierra Nevada, proposes the consolidation of traditional indigenous territory as a conservation and human rights action, for the future of the Sierra Nevada, its biodiversity and water resources, and for the wellbeing of its indigenous inhabitants.”


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Born to This Soil

What would life be like if we were born into an impoverished country where there is scarcely any clean water to drink and disease is everywhere? Take a peek, below –

FROM THE MARA SOIL takes you to a stunning but impoverished region in Tanzania, where a handful of activists are fighting food scarcity, water shortage, disease, health problems, and deforestation by teaching their people to use Mother Nature to lift themselves out of poverty.


Produced by Global Resource Alliance.
Directed by Steve Schrenzel.



Has Science Explained The Power of Love?

It really does seem that the more we advance in science, the more that science is providing us with logical, scientific explanations for some of our more esoteric questions…

Mind blowing power of love

by Tim Barlass

THE mystery behind the ”sixth sense” – how people interact on a physiological level – is a step closer to being unravelled, according to a Sydney neuroscientist.

A five-year study monitoring brain activity during therapy sessions has shown that two people can become physiologically aligned – parts of their nervous systems beating in harmony – despite having no physical contact with each another.

Trisha Stratford, the neuropsychotherapist who did the research at University of Technology, Sydney, said her study provided a deeper understanding of what happened when people interacted, including when a couple fell in love…

For the complete article click here.


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