Archive for January, 2011

Largest Pyramid In The World?

In case you missed this news, check out the video footage of this newly discovered Mayan pyramid. Its size is larger than downtown Los Angeles:

World’s Largest Pyramid Discovered in Lost Mayan City Of Mirador Guatemala (CNN)



What is the soul? And what are guardian angels?

Happy New Year Reincarnationists! Let’s start the new year off with one of the most pressing and mysterious questions possible – what is the soul? And better yet, let’s add to that question with another question that we are dying to have answered: What are guardian angels?…

Soul and Daimon



The following is excerpted from A Complete Guide to the Soul, published in the UK by Rider, an imprint of Ebury Press/Random House.

There is an aspect to the question of what the soul is which is startling and strange, but so widespread that it cannot be avoided.  It is connected to the popular idea that we all have a guardian angel. According to a US poll in the 1990s, sixty-nine per cent of Americans believe in angels.  Forty-six per cent have their own guardian angels and thirty-two per cent have felt an angelic presence.[i] For example, in her book When Angels Appear, Hope Macdonald describes an incident in which a young mother sees that her three-year-old daughter, Lisa, has escaped from the garden and is sitting on the railway line beyond.  At that moment a train comes around the bend, its whistle blowing. ‘As she raced from the house screaming her daughter’s name, she suddenly saw a striking figure, clothed in pure white, lifting Lisa off the track with an arm around the child….  When the mother reached the daughter’s side, Lisa was standing alone.'[ii]…

For the complete article click here to go to Reality Sandwich.


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