Archive for June, 2011

A Star of The Occult Underground

The website Occult Underground includes a biography of occultist Dion Fortune as well as several links for Fortune’s books including Psychic Self Defense, The Machinery of the Mind, and The Mystical Qabalah





(From Occult Underground) “Dion Fortune (December 6, 1890 – 1946), born Violet Mary Firth, was a British occultist and author who was born at Bryn-y-Bia in Llandudno, Wales. Her pseudonym was inspired by her family motto “Deo, non fortuna” (which translates as “God, not fate”).


She reported visions of Atlantis at age four and the developing of psychic abilities during her twentieth year. She attended courses in psychology and psychoanalysis at the University of London, and became a lay psychotherapist at the Medico-Psychological Clinic in Brunswick Square.


Her first magical mentor was the Irish occultist and Freemason Theodore Moriarty. In 1919 she was initiated into the London Temple of the Alpha et Omega before transferring to the Stella Matutina order.


She wrote a number of novels and short stories that explored various aspects of magic and mysticism, including The Demon Lover, The Winged Bull, The Goat-Foot God, and The Secrets of Dr. Taverner. This latter is a collection of short stories based on her experiences with Theodore Moriarty. Two of her novels, The Sea Priestess and Moon Magic, became influential within the religion of Wicca, especially upon Doreen Valiente…”


For Fortune’s complete biography and links to her ebooks click here.


Lost Pyramids Detected In Infra-red Images



Everyone! This is the most exciting news I’ve heard in years! My godmother Lily, a reincarnationist who believes as I do that we both lived in ancient Egypt, was the first to send me this news. She wrote, “Great news from the old neighborhood!”


What secrets we will learn as they excavate these ruins?


Egyptologist Dr. Sarah Parcak is our new hero.


Egyptian Pyramids Found By Infra-Red Satellite Images

By Frances Cronin BBC News


Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt.


More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by looking at infra-red images which show up underground buildings.


Initial excavations have already confirmed some of the findings, including two suspected pyramids.


The work has been pioneered at the University of Alabama at Birmingham by US Egyptologist Dr Sarah Parcak.

satellite image of pyramid An infra-red satellite image shows a buried pyramid, located in the centre of the highlight box.


She says she was amazed at how much she and her team has found…


For the complete article please click here.

Written by Emily, co-editor of the blog.


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