Lost Fragrances Continued: M.J. Guest Blogs About WEIL – CASSANDRA…
M.J. was on a blog tour last year for THE BOOK OF LOST FRAGRANCES (now in paperback) and she guest blogged about lost fragrances as she went! (Tune in often as we post more links to her numerous delicious posts. Your senses will thank you!)
…And so, here’s a peek at M.J.’s Guest Post at Mrs. Q Book Addict on the unforgettable Weil – Cassandra…
“M.J. Rose: I’ve been fascinated with lost fragrances since long before I started writing The Book of Lost Fragrances… since I found a bottle of perfume on my great grandmother’s dresser that had belonged to her mother in Russia. Here is one of those lost fragrances that stirs the senses and the imagination… (researched and described with the help of the perfume writer Dimitrios Dimitriadis)….”
For the complete post about Weil – Cassandra click here.