Archive for March, 2015

“Mom, I used to be somebody else.”

This is one of the more compelling reincarnation stories we’ve encountered. Like many of our favorites, it involves the memories of a young child and includes incredible verifications that defy logic.


Is this child actually remembering a previous life?





10-Year-Old Boy Remembers Past Life as 1930’s Hollywood Actor

by Daniel Nussbaum


“Mom, I have something I need to tell you. I used to be somebody else.”


Those were the words that five-year-old Ryan Hammons told his mother as he was being tucked into bed five years ago, according to NBC News’s Today.


Ryan reportedly began having vivid nightmares at age four. The next year, Ryan told his mother he wanted to “go home” to Hollywood, and related stories about meeting actress Rita Hayworth, taking trips to Paris, and dancing on Broadway. The boy said he had once lived on a street with the word “rock” in it.


“His stories were so detailed and they were so extensive, that it just wasn’t like a child could have made it up,” the boy’s mother, Cyndi Hammons, told Today. “Then we found the picture, and it changed everything.”


Hammons had gone to the library to investigate her son’s claims when she happened upon a book that contained a still photo of two men from the 1932 film Night After Night, starring Mae West.


“She turns to the page in the book, and I say ‘that’s me, that’s who I was,’” now ten-year-old Ryan told Today…”


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