Archive for June, 2015

The Bodleian Library: Six reasons it’s the most magical.

Here’s the place to build brick by brick and book by book in your mind’s eye for those moments when you need to curl up in the most magical library on earth…Or you could hop on a plane!




6 Reasons to Add the Bodleian Library to Your Book Bucket List
Posted by Hayley Igarashi (Goodreads)


“If “books are a uniquely portable magic,” then libraries must be one of the most magical places on earth (and librarians must be magicians). Oxford University’s Bodleian Library certainly looks the part. This historical institution—and part-time Hogwarts stand-in—is a must-see for any traveling book worm. If it isn’t on your book bucket list already, we think we can change your mind.


Reason #1: It has over 11 million printed items.


Not to shame your local library, but we’re betting your usual book haunts can’t quite compare to Bodleian’s veritable army of tomes. Among the 11 million items to browse are a rare copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio, unbound and unrestored, along with the largest collection of pre-1500 printed books in any university library in the world….”


For the rest, click here.


The Modern Witches of Poland

Enchanting indeed!


“Majak’s portraits capture the contemporary faces of the occult, be they whisperers, healers, enchantresses, artists, feminists or simply women devoted to personal and spiritual growth. Pretty magical, don’t you think?…”


Enchanting Photos Capture The Modern-Day Witches And Healers Of Poland
The Huffington Post | By Priscilla Frank




Click here for the full gallery from HuffPost.





Portraits of madwomen

Each one of them could be a character in their own tragic novel…





(Dangerous Minds)


“Among the early pioneers of photography in the 1800s was a middle-aged English doctor called Hugh Welch Diamond, who believed photography could be used in the diagnosis and treatment of the mentally ill. Diamond first established his medical career with a private practice in Soho, London, before specializing in psychiatry and becoming Resident Superintendent of the Female Department at the Surrey County Lunatic Asylum in 1848—a position he held until 1858. Diamond was an early adopter of photography, taking his first portraits just three months after Henry Fox Talbot licensed his “salt print” process for producing “photogenic drawings.” As a follower of “physiognomics”—a popular science based on the theory that disease (and character) could be discerned from an individual’s features or physiognomy—Diamond believed photography could be used as a curative therapy…”


For the rest, and an amazing gallery of images, click here.




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