Archive for June, 2017

Odds Are Our Star Has an “Evil” Doppelganger

This almost seems too fringe to be true (Nibiru anyone?) — but wow, won’t it be interesting if the Sun really does have a chaos-causing twin out there somewhere?


Image Credit: NASA, ESA and J. Muzerolle, STScI


From Futurism,


Astronomers Discover That Our Sun Likely Had an “Evil” Twin That Killed the Dinosaurs


Scientists believe that most, if not all, sun-like stars are born with a twin. Evidence also suggests that our solar system’s sun’s twin may be responsible for knocking the comet that killed the dinosaurs toward Earth.
“We have long known that the dinosaurs were killed by a catastrophic comet impact with the Earth’s surface but what if there was some foul play afoot? Astronomers have discovered that our sun may have been born with a twin, and an evil one, at that. One hypothesis states that every 27 million years, the evil twin, aptly dubbed Nemesis, returns to wreck havoc on the solar system. They believe that the star lobs a few meteors in our direction as it makes its may through the outer limits of the solar system.


Research has lead scientists to believe that most stars are born with at least one sibling. According to UC Berkeley astronomer Steven Stahler, “We ran a series of statistical models to see if we could account for the relative populations of young single stars and binaries of all separations in the Perseus molecular cloud, and the only model that could reproduce the data was one in which all stars form initially as wide binaries.”…


For the rest, click here.


The mystery of the Nazca lines solved?

Water is life…



From Motherboard,


Satellite Images Revealed the Secret Meaning of These Ancient Desert Spirals

by Kaleigh Rogers


“The Nazca lines are world famous geoglyphs, and their nearby spiral structure help explain why they were built.

Imagine staring out the window of an airplane and seeing a 1,200-foot hummingbird carved into the earth. Now imagine realizing that design was carved sometime between 1 and 700 AD. That’s how the Nazca lines were first introduced to the western world.


Found in the southern desert region of Peru, the Nazca lines are massive drawings in the soil, also known as geoglyphs. They’re named after the ancient civilization that lived in the region: the Nazca. The lines range from spirals to intricate designs like monkeys, llamas, and flowers. Some of the drawings are up to 1,200 feet—that’s more than three football fields—which means they’re best viewed from above, in a plane, or from a satellite.


But they were created long before planes or satellites, leaving generations of scholars to ponder why they were made, particularly if the Nazca people couldn’t enjoy the full glory of their work. Thanks to satellite imaging, scientists believe they have a good hypothesis for the mystery behind these lines. They were linked to the most precious desert resource: water…”


For the rest. click here.


If You Want to Rank with the Gods, Build Something Like This…

Certainly this incredible place is the result of some serious hubris…



From Abandoned Spaces,
The Gods of Mount Nemrut – The most valuable monument of the Kingdom of Commagene


Mount Nemrut, also called Mount Nemrud, is a 2,134-metre-high (7,001 ft) mountain located in southeastern Turkey famous for the giant head statues scattered on the summit.


It is the site of extensive ruins of the tomb of Antiochus I (69-36 BC) of the Commagene Kingdom (163 BC – 72 AD).


This spectacular structure is made of large slabs of rock forming a pyramid-like configuration. The stone sculptures once stood nearly 10 meters high and depicted lions, eagles, various ancient gods.
Antiochus I himself is represented here as well. Sixty-two years before the birth of Christ, King Antiochus I ordered a huge tomb come sanctuary to be built for himself.


What was particularly notable about this king was his pride and his over-extended ego. Antiochus I claimed he had a special relationship with the gods and instituted a royal cult in the Greek form of the religion Zoroastrianism with the clear intention of being worshiped as a god after his death.
He wanted his sanctuary to be in a high and holy place, close to the gods in order to be in rank with them, and high enough that the whole kingdom could see it and remember him…”


For the rest, and many glorious photographs of these ruins, click here.


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