As if we needed more reasons to drink delicious, hot, wonderful coffee… now coffee is being reincarnated into green biofuels. I bet this fuel emits a delightful coffee-ish scent while you’re driving, eh?

America’s Addiction Fuels Desire For Coffee Ground Biodiesel
Written by Nick Chambers

Researchers are reporting they have successfully made a high quality biodiesel from spent coffee grounds. They estimate that the coffee ground biodiesel industry could generate as much as $8,000,000 in profits annually using waste from US Starbucks stores alone.

One of the main limits to the acceptance of biodiesel as an alternative fuel is its price premium above regular diesel. To bring the price of biodiesel down, the industry uses as much waste material from other industries as possible to make it — such as used fryer oil and animal fats from poultry processing.

In holding with the idea of cheap biodiesel feedstocks, a team of researchers in the Chemical and Materials Engineering Department at the University of Nevada figured that maybe spent coffee grounds would fit the bill too. [the rest]
