Curious about what lost perfumes were like? Author M.J. Rose spent a few months touring the blogosphere last year, and she left behind a gorgeous trail of guest posts about lost fragrances…
Now that the paperback of THE BOOK OF LOST FRAGRANCES is out, we are publishing her guest posts here at The Museum of Mysteries. Enjoy! (Tune in often as we post more links to her numerous delicious posts. Your senses will thank you!)
…And so, here’s a peek at M.J.’s lush Guest Post at Mystery Fanfare on GUERLAIN…

“Researching The Book of Lost Fragrances was a labor of love. One of the most wonderful parts was working with a famous blogger, Dimi of The Sorcery of Scent. He helped me find out about fragrances that have been lost to us and what they smelled like.
I thought it would interesting for us to tell you about one of them.
Guerlain first focused on verveine (verbena) varieties to use in perfumes in the mid-late 1800’s. Eau de Verveine was released first in the 1870’s and made brief reappearances in the 1950s and the 1980s before being retired from Guerlain’s perfume portfolio. Eau de Verveine is the scent of high summer… sharp, uplifting notes of citrus-green lemon verbena flood the mouth with saliva with their crisp, energising aroma….”
For her complete post about GUERLAIN click here.