cherry blossom

Although it is often difficult to separate the concept of reincarnation from fearful thoughts of death, reincarnation is as much about beginnings as it is about endings. Perhaps if we focus on the lighter half of the equation we may be able to avoid the trap of fearing the unknown?

Tune in to The Best of Our Knowledge online and listen to their show Beginnings:

“Where do we come from? It’s a fair question. Physicist Michio Kaku says we’re the reverb of a Big Bang from another universe. No, says poet Stephen Mitchell – the answer’s in our creation stories. But midwife Ina May Gaskin knows where we really come from – mom. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge we’ll talk about Beginnings.”

Also covered in the show is Dr. Jim B. Tucker’s book Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children’s Memories of Previous Lives (St. Martin’s Press). Dr. Tucker discusses his book and his research in the area of reincarnation.

tucker book

Read a review of Dr. Tucker’s book from the Journal of Scientific Exploration.

For more on the subject of children’s past lives, visit the website for the University of Virginia’s project on children’s memories of previous lives.
