I studied the Bible in college, I’ve read many Buddhist texts, and I’ve even been known to crack open the Book of Mormon when I find it hiding in motels…but the most interesting, mysterious, and utterly mindboggling religious text I’ve ever read is The Urantia Book (According to this tome, Urantia is the “true” name of Earth.) Essential hip reading in the ’70’s, my father had a copy in his bookshelf when I was growing up and for laughs he’d read a passage here and there as a trippy bedtime story of sorts. Check it out for yourself and consider getting your own copy for the bookshelf (it has been translated into numerous languages). It’s the ultimate conversation piece and from the very first section – Part I: The Central and Superuniverses (all you’ve ever wanted to know about the intricacies of the universes in EXTREME detail, yes, “universes” with an “s”) – you’ll be hooked to read on and blow your mind a little more…


The Urantia Book was written in 1934-1935 and published in 1955. The book proclaims to be authored by numerous supermortal (angel-like) beings as a Revelation to our world. It is the first Epochal Revelation since Jesus and the fifth since the beginning of human life on Earth. No humans are associated with authoring The Urantia Book and the technique whereby the papers were transcribed is unknown. Like all other religious books, the contents should be evaluated by the fruits of the spirit which the teachings produce, not by any claim of authorship. You may want to treat this book as fascinating literature until the spiritual quality authenticates its message in your soul. The final judge of its validity must be the “indwelling spirit of God” within you…” (from truthbook.com)
