Dr. Amit Goswami from The Center for Quantum Activism, whom you may recognize from his appearance in the film WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?, has a mind-blowing documentary on Netflix (watch instantly). We’ve often posted here about Biocentrism (does life create the universe?), and about many other ideas implying that consciousness may be the ghost in the machine of reality. Dr. Amit Goswami’s new film THE QUANTUM ACTIVIST makes a convincing case for consciousness as creator and has found evidence and coherent arguments that abolish the confusing and paradoxical “dualism” plaguing both science and religion. (Note: You may want a quick refresher on quantum wave function collapse before you watch the film – this knowledge is useful when trying to understand the role of consciousness in the creation of matter. Click here for a little video tutorial.)

Our understanding of reincarnation is incomplete without probing into the nature of our reality, our souls, minds, and the cosmos. I find Dr. Amit Goswami’s film to be the most helpful presentation so far in my personal quest to understand these mysteries! Enjoy, and please report back in the comments and let us know what you thought of the film.

Here’s a preview:

