I’m not sure if this has a whiff of scam to it, or if these folks are genuinely concerned for those of us who really, really, want to launch our own or our loved one’s cremated ashes into space. They certainly do seem serious and even reverent about the service they are providing.


You be the judge!


(In any case, I like that this company exists because it reminds me that science fiction is becoming more and more like science fact, and that means more mysteries to add the museum! And if you watch the video embedded below you’ll recognize some very familiar names of people who have used this service.)


The Celestis, Inc. service:

“Leaving Earth to touch the cosmos is an experience few have ever known, but many have often dreamed of. Celestis makes it possible to honor the dream and memory of your departed loved one by launching a symbolic portion of cremated remains into Earth orbit, onto the lunar surface or into deep space. Missions into space that return the cremated remains to Earth are also available.”


Here is the Celestis, Inc. advertisement on YouTube:

