Is the Great Pyramid a prehistoric machine – not built by prehistoric humans?




2012 and the Old Equator

By Robert Berringer


There are many signs that extraterrestrial beings, often called gods, periodically intervene in the evolution of life on Earth. Some of the most enduring signs like the Great Pyramid have convinced me that Stone Age humans under Old Kingdom Pharaohs did not build many of the most ancient and most enduring megaliths. Our world view of the Great Pyramid is shaped by the Egyptologists, the liberal media, government teachers, parents etc. Studies by many New Age scholars have convinced them that the Great Pyramid was not built by the Pharoah Khufu as a tomb. Historians note that it is devoid of authentic inscriptions, unlike later pyramids which contained extensive religious inscriptions about their builders. The so called coffin found in the Kings Chamber was carved out of one piece of solid granite, including the cover. It is too large to have been transported into the pyramid, so like the enigmatic air shafts which point to Sirius and Orion, this most massive of all the world’s stone structures was built around these internal features. Machinists have found tool marks like those made by modern saws inside this coffin. Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert in “The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids” have used many good photos and illustrations to help convince me that the Great Pyramid is a prehistoric machine not built by prehistoric humans. As an engineer, I recognize the following photo as a very strong solid granite foundation for a heavy machine creating a very large downward force…


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