I was always skeptical of Bigfoot even though I wanted so much to believe in a higher primate with which we humans could share our world. With all the hoaxes and insubstantial “evidence” floating around, it was starting to feel bleak for poor Sasquatch, despite its long history of sightings, dating all the way back to ancient pictographs by native North Americans.


And then there was new analysis of the original print of the infamous Patterson/Gimlin film. The recent documentary from National Geographic in which this incredible film evidence is seriously tested can be seen here –



For more interesting information on newsworthy Bigfoot goings-ons of late, please visit the links below.


‘Bigfoot’ DNA Sequenced In Upcoming Genetics Study


Some of the most beautiful and convincing Bigfoot photos I’ve ever seen.


If you’re a subscriber: Coast To Coast Radio interview with researcher David Paulides in which he discusses some of the evidence and legends of Bigfoot. “Forensic drawings made from witness testimony have shown remarkable similarities, he noted. Pictographs of Bigfoot-like creatures on rocks by Native Americans date back 1,500 years, and Elders have said that their ancestors revered them as “caretakers of the woods,”…”
