Suspenseful, stunning, and somehow extremely compelling to watch…

Pure emotion?


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Incredible Ballerina Performs En Pointe with Knife Shoes

(from My Modern Met)


“En Puntas is a video installation by artist Javier Pérez featuring ballerina Amélie Ségarra performing an incredible dance atop a grand piano, entirely en pointe, wearing a customized set of pointe shoes that extend beyond the toe box with a pair of sharp kitchen knives. As if dancing on the tips of your toes for an extended period of time isn’t enough, Ségarra has the added pressure of balancing on a thinner platform, from an even greater height.


The thought of someone even managing to stand on the potentially dangerous footwear is absolutely astounding. The fact that Ségarra maintains her balance and even leaves her mark as she purposely scrapes the sharp-edged blades across the piano is both exhilarating and frightening to watch. The intense performance is made all the more gripping as the elegant dancer tiptoes closer to the edge, making it difficult to avert one’s eyes….”


For the rest, click here. The film is below…

(The artist’s website is here.)


Javier Pérez – EN PUNTAS (extracts) from Javier Pérez on Vimeo.
