Archive for April, 2016

Boy Remembers His Past Life As A 1930’s Hollywood Actor

In the spirit of the Reincarnationist books, here’s something really intriguing…




This 10 Year Old Boy Remembers His Past Life As A 1930’s Hollywood Actor


“This is such a mind blowing story.


This isn’t the first account of a child remembering their past lives – there are thousands of recorded cases of the exact same experience from kids all over the world. This caught my eye because it was an NBC newscast which I just found amazing. Enough people in the collective consciousness are interested in past lives to get it on the news.


This 10 year old boy from Oklahoma named Ryan, was born with the memories of his past experiences. He is able to remember vivid details of his past life, which took place in 30?s Hollywood. He says he was an actor on broadway who worked for an agency, travelled the world and was married 5 times. They were actually able to open a book and have him point to a man he says he was.


His mom, acting as a support, decided to take him to a child psychologist who really seemed to know what’s going on. He approached these cases with a beautifully open mind, something many professors are afraid of doing.


His conclusion after 50 years of the university collecting 2500 different cases of children remembering past lives is: ”These cases demand an explanation, we can’t just write them off.”…


For the rest, and a video, click here.


Lost In the “Bennington Triangle” – The case of Paula Jeen Welden

Kidnapping? Bigfoot? Serial killer? Suicide? What happened to the Bennington College girl who wandered off campus one day never to be found again?






Vt. student’s body never found after 1946 disappearance

by Mara Bovsun


Paula Jeen Welden would be nearing 88 years old today, perhaps a great-grandmother, an artist, or a gardener who delights in taking long walks in Vermont’s Green Mountains.


Or, she might be in another country, under an assumed name, leading a life that bears no resemblance to her first 18 years.


Or, as some people believe, she may have wandered into an area that has been dubbed the “Bennington Triangle,” where she’s a captive of extraterrestrials or Bigfoot.
Or she may be dead, the victim of a serial killer.


All kinds of theories have swirled around the girl’s disappearance — from suicide, to accident, to eloping with a secret boyfriend, to murder — since the last time anyone saw her in 1946.


But the truth is, no one knows what happened to her…”


For the rest, click here.





Secret Rooms Installed Inside Manholes

Somehow these remind us of books…




From Colossal,

Secret Rooms Installed Inside Abandoned Manhole Covers on the Streets of Milan

by Christopher Jobson


“In this new series of outdoor installations artist Brian Coshock has turned abandoned manhole covers on the streets of Milan into cramped miniature rooms complete with hanging artwork, kitchen utencils, and tiled walls. Titled Borderlife, the artist says the admittedly humorous pieces are meant to draw attention to a more serious issue in Bucharest, where many hundreds of people now live underground in the sewer system…”


See more photos here.


You can learn more about these newest interventions on his website and on Facebook. (via StreetArtNews, “This Isn’t Happiness“)




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