Archive for September, 2011

Omm Sety: Reincarnated Priestess of Ancient Egypt

As a follow up to last week’s post, here is a piece that tells the story of the most remarkable case of reincarnation that I’ve read about so far –


Omm Sety – Priestess of Ancient Egypt?
by Brian Haughton


Omm Sety - Priestess of Ancient Egypt


“Omm Sety (‘mother of Sety’) was the Egyptian name adopted by Dorothy Louise Eady, who believed she was the reincarnation of a priestess at the temple of Sety I at Abydos, Upper Egypt. Although cited by some as evidence of reincarnation, are the claims of this eccentric English lady any more believable than those of the legions of reincarnated pharaohs, priestesses, Atlantean kings and Amazonian queens that have found new lives in the twentieth and twenty first centuries? Though if Eady’s story is pure invention, how did she obtain her apparently detailed knowledge of ancient Egyptian life and their sacred customs?


Dorothy Louise Eady was born to Irish parents in a suburb of London in January 1904. According to her own account, at the age of three Dorothy fell down a long flight of stairs and was pronounced dead by the attending doctor. However, an hour later the little girl was sitting up in bed, perfectly recovered. It was from this point onwards that she began to have recurring dreams of being in an ancient building with huge columns, interpreted by her as a temple. When she was four years old her parents took her with them on a visit to the British Museum, and it was here in the Egyptian galleries that the little girl suddenly became aware that she was ‘home’.


Such was the effect of this realisation on the four year old that she apparently ran madly through the halls, kissing the feet of the ancient Egyptian statues and eventually sitting down at the feet of a glass-cased mummy and refusing to budge…”


For the complete article click here to go to Brian Haughton dot com. For more posts from author and folklorist Brian Haughton click here.


Where where the walls are covered in rules for flower potions…

…and where you will find those enigmatic carvings of an ancient helicopter, submarine, airplane and stealth fighter. But many more mysterious abound at ancient Abydos and Dendera – Have you heard of the Osirion? It was a special Temple of Initiation in ancient times and, according to Oom Sety, it holds a well of healing waters. And, you may ask, who was Oom Sety? She was an English girl who died after falling down the stairs and came back to life as the reincarnated 15 year old Priestess of Isis…

Read on in wonder!




The Two Most Mysterious but Least Visited Temples in Egypt

by Mara




A helicopter, stealth fighter, submarine and an aeroplane carved in stone on the ceiling of a 3000-year-old Egyptian Temple. Astrological maps of the Earth’s sky as it was 5000 B.C.; a 15 year Priestess of Isis who committed suicide in 1285 B.C. re-incarnates as a daughter of a half-Irish master tailor in 1904; healing waters; instructions for magical potions; boats sailing through Star Gates; hidden passages and secret rooms…welcome to some of the mysteries of the sacred, ancient Egyptian Temples at Abydos and Dendera!


Abydos – a sleepy little town 145 km. north of Luxor, known from ancient times as the burial place of the head of the god Osiris. It takes approx. 3 hours to drive there – less if you are lucky not to hit traffic in Qena and other towns on the road. Started by Sety I and finished by his son, Ramses the Great, the unique L-shaped Temple is built almost on top of another Temple – The Osirion.


When you enter the main Temple, walk past the first two columns, turn sharp right and walk straight ahead about another 2 -3 columns. Turn around and look up at the ceiling. You will clearly see, on the same carving – a helicopter, submarine, aeroplane and stealth fighter. Why did the ancient Egyptians carve these in the same place? I believe if they were scattered around the temple they could be written off as coincidences – but all in the one place has everyone who sees them questioning…


For the complete article click here to go to “Art of Backpacking”.


Thank you to Green Mother Medicine for pointing us to this post. GMM is a blog you don’t want to miss. You can find it here.



How to Send Your Relatives to Outer Space…

I’m not sure if this has a whiff of scam to it, or if these folks are genuinely concerned for those of us who really, really, want to launch our own or our loved one’s cremated ashes into space. They certainly do seem serious and even reverent about the service they are providing.


You be the judge!


(In any case, I like that this company exists because it reminds me that science fiction is becoming more and more like science fact, and that means more mysteries to add the museum! And if you watch the video embedded below you’ll recognize some very familiar names of people who have used this service.)


The Celestis, Inc. service:

“Leaving Earth to touch the cosmos is an experience few have ever known, but many have often dreamed of. Celestis makes it possible to honor the dream and memory of your departed loved one by launching a symbolic portion of cremated remains into Earth orbit, onto the lunar surface or into deep space. Missions into space that return the cremated remains to Earth are also available.”


Here is the Celestis, Inc. advertisement on YouTube:



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